Take Two

Alphabetical Index  |  Numeric Index

Welcome to the Take Two Collection.

This collection houses seventy-two articles, written by Jamy Ian Swiss from 2016 to 2020. The articles examine the specific forms, or individual styles of magic and magicians, using two or more curatorial choices of magic videos to illustrate.

There is no right or wrong way to approach the articles. Here, you can visit the collection in reverse chronology starting with the oldest post first. Alternatively, you may find our Numeric Index, which lists each Take Two in its original order, of interest. If you prefer, you can visit the Alphabetical Index to find posts by subject.


Take Two #37: Presto!

July 31, 2017

"To me, Presto was a real magician—maybe the first real magician I ever knew up close. Someone who did magic at the very highest level, who was a full-time working pro, and who talked to me, kindly and generously, and shared secrets with me. I was in awe of him..."

Take Two #34: Slydini

July 07, 2017

"I adored watching Slydini perform; I never tired of the experience in the slightest. I knew his repertoire inside and out, yet I could often be fooled in the moment by his superb technique, his stellar command, his charismatic persona, and perhaps above all, his absolute mastery of the art and craft of misdirection."