Subscribe or renew for No. 190, 191, 192, 193
NOTE that we print to meet subscriber demands only. Back issues will not be available so avoid holes in your collection and renew now!
Not sure if you are in good standing? Just email us and we will be happy to check for you.
We are hard at work on the the next issue of Magicol (No. 190) and wanted to remind you that dues, are in fact, due.
We encourage you to renew online. But if you prefer to send a USD cheque or International Money order in USD, then we suggest sending it to Canada, as it will be processed much faster. Make payment payable to:
17 Madison Avenue Toronto ON M5R 2S2 CANADA
Don't miss out
We will only print enough issues to meet our subscriber demand, and we will not be carrying back issues any more. Sadly, the costs of printing and mailing back issues have simply exceeded affordability. So, to avoid holes in your collection, renew now.
Subscription Rates
Rates remain the same and, yes, senior discounts apply:
Regular $60 / Senior $50
Regular $75 / Senior $65
Not sure?
If you are not sure if you have renewed or not, just send us a note and we will be only too happy to check for you. You can email us here: info@magicana.com or call us in Toronto: 416-913-9034.
Advertise with us
Advertisers, contact Suley Fattah (suley@magicana.com) if you are interested in submitting an ad. Rates also remain the same and can be found here.