The renowned magic inventor Fantasio (Ricardo Roucau) performs a piece of close-up magic invoving a cigarette lighter.
A presentation of the "Card Duck" where a wooden duck puppet locates chosen cards.
Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
A regular segment from Luna De Verano involves looking back on particular genres of magic performance through history, including old and rare film footage. This episodes segment focuses on magicians who defy gravity and float assistants, members of the audience or themselves.
Juan Tamariz & Pepe Carroll demonstrate techniques for cheating at poker where you can always count on getting a full house.
The celebrated magic inventor Fantasio (Ricardo Rocau) presents an act to music with silk scarves, candles and a magical flashlight.
Juan Tamariz performs an extended Slydini-style multi phase routine.
Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
Celebrated Spanish mentalist Anthony Blake performs a demonstration with a newspaper.
Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
Juan Manuel Rego presents a classic dove magic act in tails.
Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
Juan Tamariz examines the history of grand illusions on stage including a look at some rare film footage.