Albert Goshman performs his legendary coin magic for Steve Allen in the late Fifties, around 1956-58. Goshman also performs sponge ball magic, and the acrobatic matchboxes.
Sponge Balls
French master magician Gaëtan Bloom performs magic with invislble (!) bananas. He also performs a classic card stab using a paper bag — a method devised by Milborne Christopher and popularized by Don Alan.
French magician Gaëtan Bloom performs the Card in the Mouth and a routine involving invisible bananas.
Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
Juan Tamariz performs a routine on stage with sponge balls based on Slydini's "Flight of the Paper Balls".
Chantatachán was a program produced for Telemadrid in 1992-93. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.
Patrick Page performs on The Magic Palace.
Danny Rouzer performs close-up on The Magic Palace.
Bob Downey performs close up comedy magic on The Magic Palace.
Albert Goshman returns to The Magic Palace for a second performance.