Card Discoveries

November 21, 2018

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 20, 2018

Juan Tamariz presents a classic spelling trick with cards.

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 20, 2018

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 20, 2018

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 20, 2018

A presentation of the "Card Duck" where a wooden duck puppet locates chosen cards.

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 16, 2018

Juan Tamariz demonstrates his telepathic powers. (Sort of.)

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available. 

November 16, 2018

Meir Yedid performs his verison of the Card from Mouth as well as a trick with a nut and bolt.

Luna De Verano was a television program produced in Spain for Canal Sur in 1990. We would like to thank Juan Tamariz and Luis Piedrahita for making this content available.